Sunday, January 17, 2010

Catalina Flyer Am I Going To Get Sick On A Boat This Fast? (Catalina Flyer)?

Am I going to get sick on a boat this fast? (Catalina Flyer)? - catalina flyer

I'm going to Catalina in a few days. I has no real experience with boats and a ship, as I have become. I really want to, but I'm a little scared. It only takes an hour to an hour and a half by boat because the boat, you can reach me really fast. The other is 3 hours. I was sick so quickly on a ship? PS If you publish any experience with the Catalina Flyer, or have experience in favor of Catherine them here.

~ Thanks, Claire


galgiere said...

This may sound like an old superstition, but if you avoid cracking sea is available ill
So relax and enjoy your trip

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